Monday, 29 July 2013

Top Ten Television Villains Part 2

Well, time to finish up my Villains list. To tell the truth this was even harder to do than my heroes list. In this top ten list, you may find an increase in animated characters. That's just because I have seen so many in animation I can't help but choose them. I would also like to remind you that I have not seen many shows and I usually keep to the ones I watch. Without anything else hindering us, here are my final five villains of television.(PS. Videos contain spoilers)

Number 5. The Governor(The Walking Dead). This guy is so likable at first glance, you can't help but be taken in by his charm. The first element of Villains: lure the audience into a false sense of security. His southern comfort charm work's his way into Andrea, but only Michonne is unconvinced. When we see his true colors, we see the mind of the killer and dictator. We shed a bit of sympathy for his part as he truly came from somewhere where he lost everything. Now, leading humanity is his only comfort and goal. In the comics, he not only led the battle in a horrific victory, but he also caused the death of Laurie, her child, most of the survivors and the brain damage of Carl. he lost a bit of his intimidating look in the show, but he is definitely a purely sadistic, evil, single minded monster.

Number 4. Jim Moriarty (Sherlock). One of the original arch-enemies of literature and transcribed to the small screen. When I think of Sherlock, I think of Benedict Cumberbatch as the archetype Sherlock Holmes. When I think of Moriarty, I think of Andrew Scott, for plays him so well. We all know that Batman and the Joker were inspire by Sherlock and Moriarty, but here it seems like Moriarty was inspired partially by the Joker. He is a lunatic, taking to disguises, taunting and mocking Holmes and seeming to actually fall in love with hating Holmes. His final plan is a mastery of criminal genius and I certainly get elements of the criminal genius part in his portrayal along with his "web of criminal industry". The only thing about him that should have stayed the same was being a professor. But he shows off his villainy just due to how much he hates and loves Sherlock Holmes.

Number 3. Azula (Avatar the last Airbender). You may have noticed a change in the rankings, well this addition is important. The newly discovered series, Avatar the last airbender, is now one of my favorite TV shows of all time (I'll go into it more in December) and it also has one of the best villains of all time. Azula is one mean character, manipulative, angry, restrained (most of the time) and loving each moment of it. Appearing in the final episode of Series one, she is revealed to be sister to the shows secondary protagonist, Zuko, and daughter of the Fire Lord. Those and her will make her a dangerous adversary to Aang and his friends. In fact she is one of the few villains to kill her enemy (but he was revived later, slightly depowered). But does that stop her...noooo, instead she must torment her brother continuously. Unlike most villains who get boring after accomplishing their goals, she get's even more interesting as her psyche worsens and her maniacal mind comes full swing. Not to mention she can shoot fire and lightning, as well as being an already accomplished opponent. Yikes, I'm so on team Avatar. She amazes me and infuriates me at the same time. The only reason I would let her win, seeing that smirk on her face for each victory, is so that I can wipe it off when she has finally been eradicated.

Number 2. The Daleks (Doctor who). Near the top we have the most ruthless creatures to grace the screen(And for those Trekkie's out there, I do not watch Star Trek{except the movies}, so no Borg or Klingon's on this list, besides the Daleks came first). At a young age watching TV aimlessly, I came across an advert for the series Doctor Who coming out on DVD, but what I notice is the robotic beings flying in space. After that I was hooked. At a young age these guy's scared me half to death, the low metallic voice, unflinching fascist code and the sense of mystery. What is underneath those metal shells, what were they?  Now a days they don't scare me as much. Ever since I found out that an octopus inhabits the body, I became more obsessed with the motivation of such beings. They took the worst elements of the Nazi Party and stripped it down to it's simplest. They just want everyone to die and for them to survive as the pure race. Topped off with the fact that they caused more tragedy in the Doctors life than any other being, with the mass killing of the time lords and many on earth, it is no wonder why these are the only beings the Doctor has no qualms breaking his rule on no guns and genocide if it means wiping out the entire hate filled race from the galaxy.

Number 1. The Joker (all incarnations). When it comes to villainy, nobody does it better. You may think, "wow this is like the third list Joker has appeared on as a villain or as a character". But I cannot help it. What can Luther do, try to take over the world. What can the Daleks do try and eradicate every being in the universe inferior to them. What can the Joker do? Kill who he wants and spread anarchy and chaos. Where all other villains try to do bad things, usually causing some collateral damage along the way, they fail at the last minute and there plans go down the crapper. But Joker just does things and is proud of his result. And how can you forget that laugh, it seems all versions have a different spin on his laugh. What makes him menacing and a likable villain is the comedy and portrayal. while all the previous villains I have listed so far are just dark, he is dark and humorous. The best perpetrators are Cesar Romero from the 1960's Batman(he is just so enjoyable and fun) and Mark Hamill from Batman the animated series, Justice league, The new adventures of Batman and the rest of the DCAU(he can be dark, threatening, but mostly humorous). Other versions are pretty good. 'The Batman'(anime) version is kinda good and 'the Brave and the bold' is only OK. If you think the Joker is good then the top two shows are for you.

And that is all for my Television Month, I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment if you have a favorite villain from television. Please note that this is all opinion and not to be taken seriously. As you can see I don't watch too much Television. And I do realize that I used two Doctor Who enemies rather than the required one. But he has such a vast amount of enemies that I do like, that I would very much like to talk more about it in November with Doctor Who Month, to celebrate the 50th anniversary. Please have a nice day and I hope you enjoyed TV Month. My next review is of Scott Pilgrim vs The World.

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