Sunday, 1 June 2014

X-Men: Day's of Future Past

Freaking X-Men! What is it that makes them so appealing? I mean, we have had two films based entirely around Wolverine and they bombed with audiences and critics worldwide. The third installment of the original trilogy is considered to have pretty much butchered the famed Phoenix saga (I personally didn't mind it too much) and there are only three films that are considered great by both Comic aficionado's, film critic's and casual audience goer's; X-Men, X2 and First Class. And yeah, they were great. But who would've guessed that a film that combined both the old and new cast would be so epic!(Pretty much everybody)

Going into this film, I was excited, coming out of it I was pumped. To see in full, pristine 3D IMAX Wolverine, Professor X and Magneto was a just a jolt. I wanted to watch all the X-Men films immediately after, even Last stand (But not Origins, that was stupid). But my hype for the movie aside, was the film any good? Was the fast paced action, love letter to fanboys and homage to one of the most famous Marvel comics of all time enough to seat it's position as one of the great superhero movies alongside the Avenger's, The Dark Knight and Captain America 2?

In the not too distant future, Sentinels (Mutant hunting robot's), roam the Earth hunting humans and mutants. The remaining survivors, including Professor X, Magneto, Colossus, Wolverine, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Iceman, etc, band together to enact Plan Z. Sending Wolverine's conscience back in time to a younger form of his body. In 1973, Bolivar Trask is developing the Sentinel programme using Mutant DNA, Mystique is hunting him down and Charles has become a recluse. Wolverine and his...bone claws search out to reunite the X-Men and hopefully change the future.

Well let's see, we need to send a person back in time to change the past and the course of history, which is a Grandfather paradox, where the event which sent the victim back in time is cancelled out thus negating it's existence, so that's one problem. The other is a lack of characters familiar to us. We spent three movies getting to know the team and a little over a quarter remain. But the icing on the cake for me is a lack of Rogue. In fact, Bryan Singer explained that her scenes where unnecessary and took away tension from the film. While it may be true, many felt they could have seen more of the main character from the first movie. As for me...yeah, it pisses me off. Moving on.

The treat of seeing a film like this is seeing the characters whom we have grown to like from the both era's combine. In fact, I was actually tearing up at one scene in particular, when Charles met his older self. It was tender, inspiring and powerful, how a man can come so far to losing everything, what's always the strongest redemption is hope. I quite like hope, hope's a good emotion. Also, as usual, the acting is fantastic all round, with great performances and chemistry, especially between Magneto(Michael Fassbender) and Mystique(Jennifer Lawrence). Peter Dinklage is also superb; intimidating and calculating, yet in way over his head (No pun intended). I am still a bit disappointed that the present day heroes get little screen time compared to the first class, but the pacing of the film allows for easy transitions between past and future. We will see the future struggle and the past selves in a race against time to get this task done before they are all killed.

And I should say it, even if it's not necessary, the action is fantastic. This is the first time I see superheroes fighting using portals and lasers and ice breath. It's a true spectacle. Some great action sequences include the character Quicksilver running around the room and rearranging everything as a trap for the guards while they are firing their guns, the opening battle, and the closing battle against the sentinels. Brought to life using stellar visual effects. This is accompanied in some area's by witty dialog and great comedic moment's. My favorite is Charles's hypocritical attitude towards violence.  

Then we have the ending and by god it is fantastic! Not only does it clear the way for better sequels, but it changes major aspects of the characters we know. They were speaking earlier about how a stream if disturbed will continue to flow. Well another rule follow's, changing history has a ripple effect, distorting the image in many ways if disturbed. Who know's, maybe this universe has more colorful costumes, Rogue has super-strength and flight and the events of Last stand, origins and the Wolverine never happened. The slickest reboot of all time, right under our noses and it leaves us with such great expectations for how this story will continue. Heck, maybe they will discover a wormhole caused by Apocalypse that will lead them to meet Iron Man, Captain America and Thor.

Fantastic movie, worth at least two re-watches and buying on DVD, at least I will, Anna Paquin's lost scenes will be included.««««««««««

So have you seen this movie and what did you think? If you haven't, why don't you? Click the no comment below to post. Do you like the blog? Updates out every Sunday, given my extra time, plus another TV month in July.

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