Tuesday 19 February 2013

To conclude the Top ten bad-asses list lets begin with:

Number 5: The Doctor, Doctor Who. This guy is a bit of a mystery. Not only is his name missing but at some point's even his sanity. let's see what he can do, he has infinite knowledge of  everything in the universe,    the ability to restore and change his physical form(regeneration), immune to toxins and forms of radiation, can go without breath for a long time and possesses psychic powers(a la Vulcan mind meld). DAYYM! Armed with a sonic screwdriver, a Tardis(don't know what it is? LOOK IT UP) and has the trust of any of his companions. Allon ze!

Number 4: Hannibal 'the cannible' Lecter. This guy is awesome. Not only does this guy commit murder and consumes humans like a steak, but he plot's and play's the authorities like fiddle and cuts their strings. He can boast being a psychologist, a chef, even a baron. Scarring for life Jodi Fosters character Clarice Starling and Edward Norton's character Will Graham, falling in love with one and hating the others gut's. Even from prison he can harm us, with such sophistication one would wonder what is going on in this mans head. This is one cold blooded maniac I would rather befriend than hate. You cook the fava beans, I'll bring the Chianti.

Number 3: Ash Williams, Evil Dead Trilogy. Who would have thought an S-Mart clerk would become the greatest zombie killer ever, a chainsaw hand, metal hand, unlimited ammo double barrel shotgun and the best one liners ever. Fast thinker and ever resourceful, I say that lightly, he is one cool mother. Yes, he is a bit of a dimwit, but he eventually does what's necessary. Groovy!

Number 2: The joker, I'm serious about this. And no i do not mean just Heath Ledger, I also mean Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill(Batman animated series and Arkham series). They each made their mark on society and comics. With his lunatic mind, clever gadgets and his manic personality, the clown prince of crime is the best villain ever, he is uncontrollable, underestimated and unknown, he may claim to not to have a plan, but he is not to be fooled around with.

Number 1:Clint Eastwood, which film? ANY FILM. Clint has been one man I always comeback to see. His voice, his enigmatic persona and who knows what else. Famous for Dirty harry, the dollars trilogy and his great film directing. The fact that he can make a dramatic film and portray a bad-ass is epic. Don't agree with me well you got to ask yourself one question, Do I Feel Lucky? Well do ya PUNK!

Runners up: Chuck Norris and wolverine

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