Wednesday 13 February 2013

Top 10 film BAD-ASSES
Cinema is full of bad ass characters that entertain us and make us laugh and why not, with their cheesy one liners, improvised use of gadgets and weapons and their wit. Today I would like to honor those heroes by counting down the top ten, Let's begin with:

Number 10: The Terminator, the metal man built to kill. admittedly he did lose some bad ass points being told what to do by a thirteen year old and reduced to maiming humans instead of killing whoever crosses him. But he has the awesome arsenal of cheesy one liners, the model 1887 shotgun and mini gun and he is played by the human punchline himself Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nothing else to say but 'Astala Vista Baby'.

Number 9: Tallahassee, from Zombieland. Not only did he save most of the main characters life, but he has the sickest sense of humor since jack the ripper. Using anything he can find, from shotgun to Banjo to hedge trimmer, he cuts down any zombie in his path for the sake of that one last twinkie. 'Time to nut up or shut up'.

Number 8: Edward from twilight, ONLY KIDDING. Indiana Jones, with an entire trilogy under his fedora. THERE IS ONLY THREE, NO MORE. His whip abilities, his private war against the Nazi's, the encyclopedia of archaeology and he is the son of the coolest dad ever. His image is landmark, whip, fedora, satchel and leather jacket. Although he is based on the B-movies of old, including Zorro, he has made his own character and is just awesome for it. Just keep your snakes away.

Number 7:   Batman, again a bit of a shock, but I have my reasons. I do think he is the best superhero of all time, HANDS DOWN, NO EXCUSES. But he does dress like a bat, has bat themed gadgets and vehicles ( by the way bat mobile is the coolest car EVER)  and his constant sidekick is a teenager. But what is awesome is his story, his abilities, his character( more than just a bat) and his villains, my god this guy has more villains than the rest of the DC Universe combined. Who is he? HE'S BATMAN.

Number 6: Darth Vader. This seven foot asthmatic, dark lord of the force is one of the most iconic screen villains of all time. His deep voice(courtesy of James Earl Jones), mastery of swordplay( thank you Bob Anderson) and his his historical connection to Luke Skywalker. With the command of the galactic empire and the power of the force, he is a formidable opponent and not a force to be reckoned with. The power of the force is strong with this one!

I will conclude my list tommorow. The final five bad-asses of cinema

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